Secrets to Mindfulness at Home
Published by Claire Burke USA
Sep 14, 2020
Take A Time Out.
Psst, you heard me, we all need to take a time out. First off, where did the Summer even go? More than ever with all the changes and additional stresses of the day, we need to find a way to decompress, escape if only for 10 minutes, even though we can’t go anywhere. Our homes have become our offices, our children’s class rooms and now maybe you feel trapped by your own 4 walls. Quarantine for months and feeling a little isolated. Are you going a little crazy? I AM! How many times can you reorganize your closet or clean out your kitchen drawers? We all need to take a TIME OUT…for ourselves.
We all need a reset for Fall. Ask yourself how can you make your surroundings a little more comfortable, a little more zen. It is important to make your space feel refreshing and calming. Make it a place you can just chill. You have to be mindful and take some time for just you and setup a space for “me time”. You can do this with fragrance and textures. Add a diffuser that emits a beautiful scent into the air and a candle to set a relaxing and calming mood. Add new pillows, a throw to your sofa, setup a special corner just for you, get cozy! Turn on some soothing music and pour a glass of wine….I do almost every night! Put some time aside and pour yourself a warm bath, escape for an hour.
It is the little things that will let you take a time out, give you a moment to yourself, to reset, recharge, and re-energize. You deserve it.